News New prizes!

New prizes!

The RING AWARD is back with three new prizes!
Apart from the Audience Prize, we will award a Sustainability Prize, a Dramaturgy Prize and the Prize of the Honoraray President.
Fingers crossed!


Sustainability Prize: EUR 2.500, sponsored by art + event | Theaterservice Graz



Dramaturgy Prize: EUR 3.000, sponsored by Schauspielhaus Graz and Oper Graz

Heinz Weyringer-Prize EUR 1.500 (Prize of the Honorary President)

Audience Prize: EUR 1.000, sponsored by Wagner Forum Graz



1st Prize: RING AWARD, a stage production at one of the stages of Oper Graz

2nd Prize: Province of Styria Prize, EUR 5.000

3rd Prize: Bühnen Graz Prize, EUR 3.000

Additional Special Prizes for stage productions may be awarded by several theatres and opera houses.


All information on prizes can be found HERE.